Star-Gazette from Elmira, New York (2024)

ELMIRA STAR-GAZETTE, THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1927. PAGE TWENTY-ONE. 3 SOCIAL NEWS AND PERSONALS FOULKE-PRUYNE marriage of Miss Grace Franklin Street and Carlton Pruyne, of that Monday Baptist dress, was solemnizedrirst Sayre, Church. Rev. Harry M.

Shepson performed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Pruyne left for a trip to Niagara Falls and other points of interest. They will reside in this city.

The bride is employed at the J. C. Penny Company store and her husband is an Elmira Water, Light Railroad Company employe. Their many friends extend best wishes. 0 Blemished Skin Clears Up Quickly Sunshine and wind are not always so kind to us.

When dainty complexions and hands are exposed to their burning and roughening effect they become freckled, tanned or discolored; usually in spots. A minute's care will whiten the skin again. Simply squeeze the juice of two lemons into a threeounce bottle of Orchard White, which you can get from your nearest store, and massage the complexion and hands with this lotion. You will be delighted with the way it clears your skin and revives its youthful charm.tisem*nt. SCAIFE-FOX of the attractive June weddings was that which took place Wednesday evening at 6:30 o'clock in the Lake Street Presbyterian Church, when Miss Viola Scaife of 416 Herrick Street and Howard M.

Fox of 611 West Water Street were united in marriage. The Rev. R. Lew Williams, pastor of the church, performed the ceremony. The attendants were Miss Mary Scaife, sister of the bride, and DeForest E.

Fox, brother of the bridegroom. wore a navy blue en-semble suit with small hat to match and carried bouquet of pink rose buds. Her attendant wore a gown of navy georgette. She carried sweet peas and pink roses. Following the ceremony Mr.

and Mrs. Fox left by motor for a trip through the Adirondacks and upon their return will be "at home" at 511 West Hudson Street. Mrs. Fox was formerly associatwith the Chemung Foundry Corporation. Mr.

Fox is a salesman for the Wholesale Auto Supply Department Barker, Rose Clinton Co. WEDDING TAKES PLACE The marriage of Kathryn Charlotte Howell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Howell of Syracuse, and George Hinman Ketcham, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Ira P. Ketcham of 316 Horner Street, was solemnized Wednesday in Syracuse. They will reside in SOCIAL 500. CLUB Members of the Social 1 500 Club enjoyed a luncheon at the DeLuxe Inn Tuesday.

The color scheme was prettily carried out in pink. During the luncheon several toasts were given and an interesting talk on the life of Jenny Lind was given by Mrs. S. J. Clark.

During the afternoon, was enjoyed. The following were prseent: Mrs. John Sharp, Mrs. H. Q.

Staver, Mrs. R. C. Ellis, Mrs. Ernest Goodwin, Mrs.

John Tinsley, Mrs. L. B. Evans, Mrs. Frank Whitmore, Miss Pearl Clark, Mrs.

William Foote, Mrs. William Moore, Mrs. S. J. Clark, Mrs.

Elizabeth Holmes. The Original Gorton's Ready to Cod Fish Cakes is Best oldest, largest made America's of famous Gorton's CodfishNo Bones. NoBones.Goodreasonsforthe wonderful flavor. All mixed, the can take ready on one blue- to the fry home in grocer's and-yellow a today. jiffy.

shelf Gorton Find and Gorton's Gorton Pew Fisheries Gloucester, Mass. Ready-to-Fry Free. "Gorton's Full of Deep new Sea menu Recipes" ideas a Cod Fish Cakes WALKER-KELLY. The marriage of Miss Esther A. Walker and Roscoe Kelly, both of this city, was solemnized Wednesday afternoon in the parsonage of the Pennsylvania Avenue M.

E. Church. The Rev. H. S.

Bacon performed the ceremony. The couple was attended by Mss Maud Walker, sister of the bride, and Lawrence Rugh. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly will reside at 682 Herrick Street.

HOSTESS AT BRIDGE Mrs. Irving T. Skeels of 733 West Third Street entertained guests Wednesday evening in honor of Miss Clara Snyder of Joplin, the house guest of Miss Dorothy Simpson of West Gray Street. Besides the hostess and honor guest the following were present: Misses Elizabeth O'Dea, Kathryn Atwater, Ruth Newell, Phyllis Finch, Dorothy Herrick, Margaret Campbell, Dorothy Simpson and Mrs. Harold L.

Wells. PARTY IN HONOR A delightful bridge party was given Friday evening by Mr. and Mrs. G. E.

Mosher at their home in honor of Miss Bertha M. Foy. who sails July 2 on the S.S. Savoy to spend three months in Europe. Miss Foy received an attractive gift in honor of the occasion.

Misses Marianna Flynn, Julia Mahoney and Mrs. C. J. Prutsman had high scores. Late in the evening, a dainty supper was served.

The following were present: Misses Bertha Foy, Myrtle C. Foy, Marie Anna Flynn, Julia Mahoney, Grace Molter, Eileen Brett, Helen Vockroth; Messrs. Charles F. Brown, George Reardon, George Hemenway, Robert Flynn, Maurice, Robinson, Arthur F. Ernest Mosher, Mr.

and Mrs. C. J. Prutsman, Mr. and Mrs.

George E. Mosher. MALLORY-GILTNER REUNION. The Mallory-Giltner reunion will be held in Brand Park Sunday, June 26. Each one will take cups, rolls and one other article of food for table.

Silver and plates will be furnished. BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY Miss Perkins of Glen Avenue entertained several of her friends at a theater party this afternoon in honor of her birthday anniversary. Following the theater party, the guests were to be entertained at supper at Miss Perkins' home. ANNUAL PICNIC The annual picnic of the o. E.

S. Outing Association will be held at Hoffman Park Wednesday, July 13. Dinner will be served at noon. Take dishes, silver, buttered rolls and one other article of food for the table. Mrs.

Phoebe Shappee of Horseheads is president of the association and Miss May Stewart is secretary. G. T. CLUB PICNIC The G. Club held their first picnic of the year at Riverside HUDSONETTES Adorable Younger the Woman Never has a new department met with such instantaneous success as these new shoes named "Hudsonettes." In a wealth of patterns, in ties, in straps, in low heels and in high, in colors and in black.

HUDSONETTES One Price 50 HUDSON SHOE CO. 307 East Water Street Elmira Park Wednesday evening. The following were present: Mrs. Loretta Burdick, and son, Duane, Mrs. Jesse Heine, Mrs.

Anna Mattoon, Mrs. Adeline Roberts, Mrs. Lulu Roberts, Mrs. Gertrude Thurston, Mrs. Katherine Smith, and children, Lowell, Harold and Richard, Mrs.

Fannie S. Johnson, and Mrs. Grace House of Geneva, who was a guest. The next picnic will be held along the Chemung River in the garden of Mrs. Johnson, July 13.

It will be in the form of a barbecue. WILLARD W.C.T.U. Miss Ida J. Jones will entertain the members, their husbands and Willard W. C.

T. U. at a Japanese friends of the Willard W.C.T.U. at a Japanese tea this evening at her home, 323 West Church Street. The proceeds will go to the Willard Union.

Mrs. Mary McFarlin charge of the program which consists of a play, Dr. Scattergood's readings by Mrs. Perry J. Whipple; vocal solos by Miss Hazel Ludlow, accompanied by Mrs.

Fred De Waters; violin solos by Miss Dorothy Eggert, accompanied by her mother. Ice cream will be served on the lawn. The public is invited. FOR BRIDE-ELECT Complimenting Miss Virginia C. McConnell, whose marriage to James Riffe takes place June 27, Agnes E.

Liddy, Marie and Winifred Jenkins charmingly entertained at a bridge dinner Wednesday evening at the LeLuxe Inn. Covers were placed for 18 at the table, attractively arranged with garden flowers, pink and green being the color scheme. -James B. Dunn of Philadelphia is spending a week at his home on Irvine Place. -Mr.

and Mrs. C. B. Hatfield and son Robert, of 462 Riverside Avenue, have returned from Fort Pierce, to spend the Summer here. -Mr.

and Mrs. Henry A. Precht1 and family of Lake Street have gone to their Summer home, "Stonehenge," on the Latta Brook Road, the season. -Howard Payne of Erie Street is on a trip to Washington, D. He also will visit his cousin, Private Lewis E.

Ostrander of the U. S. Marines in Quantico, before returning home. -Mrs. Carrie Dartt and.

Mrs. R. J. Henshaw and daughter Miss Gertrude of Fitch Street left last night for Chicago to attend the wedding of Mrs. Dartt's granddaughter Miss Ruth which will take place June 28.

-Mrs. Fay E. Wheeler and daughter Dorothea have gone to Colton, S. where they will spend the Summer with the former's parents. They expect to visit in the Black Hills and Denver, before returning home.

-Mrs. Julian L. Watkins and children of Scarsdale are spending two weeks with Mrs. Watkins' parents, Dr. and Mrs.

Robert A. Wilbur of West Clinton Street. -Miss Margaret Wilson of Upper West Water Street and Miss Anne Morse of Troy, left Wednesday for Schenectady to attend the wedding of Miss Laura Wolcott and Emmett MacDonald Irwin which will take place Saturday. Reversed English Today the intelligence test game is reversed. Below are ten answers.

See if you can give approximately the correct questions, which are printed below. Duce." Moon." 3-Ryan and Bellanca, 4-King John of England, in 1215. 5-Gutenberg. 6-Dec. 21, 1620.

Ford" and "Norge." 8-In 1000 A. D. 9-Francis Scott Kev. 10-Plutarco E. Calles.

THE ANSWERS 1-What is the title commonly given to Benito Mussolini of Italy? 2-What was the name of the ship in which Hudson sailed into what is now New York harbor? ried Chamberlin Whatemakes, of airplane caracross the Atlantic? 4-What English ruler signed the Magna Charta, in what year? 5-Who printed the first Bible from movable type? 6-When did the Pilgrims land in America? 7-What were the names of the plane and dirigible in which Byrd and Amundsen flew over the north pole? 8-When is Leif Ericson supposed to have discovered America? 9-Who wrote the "StarSpangled 10-Who is president of Mexico? Classified Ads Bring Results Wellsboro Club Enjoys Address Wellsboro, June Charles Patterson of the University of Nebraska addressed the Wellsboro Rotary Club at the weekly luncheon meeting held in the assembly rooms of the PennWells Hotel Monday. The club was also entertained by several dance numbers by members of Bud Williams' Revue, showing this week a local theater. Members of the dancing cast, the Rev. James Mulholland of Troy and Professor Patterson were the guests at the meeting. Richard Mack of Trenton, N.

has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Shaff, Fred Forsythe, A.

C. Edwards and Charles Wilcox recentmotored to Doumaux of Schenectady is spending a short vacation in Wellsboro, at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Y.

-Proand son Nebraska are guests of fessor and. Mrs. Charles Patterson Professor Patterson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.

D. Patterson. Mrs. Lida entertained the Auction Bridge at luncheon Niles, Tuesday in her home on Central Clark Rexford is visiting relatives in -Miss Ida, Strait is a guest of her broth- This way to get clothes whiter is so safe! No scrubbing or boiling! those fabioned washday habits! Let this save you work -and save the clothes, too. You don't need your washboard any more.

You don't need to boil the wash unless you want to. You don't need any powders, bar soap, softeners, chips. All you need is Rinso! Even in hard water, Rinso gives thick suds. Not big soapy suds that swish through the fabric and loosen dirt and stains. All you need to do is rinse! Clothes come out of the Rinso soaking whiter, brighter than you can rub them.

Of course they last longer, this gentle way. And your hands aren't ruined by scrubbing. So safe, too. That's why the makers of 30 leading washing machines highly endorse it. Rinso The granulated soap that soaks clothes whiter no scrubbing Holland only Rusk by Co.Inc Made Holland, Mich.

Ask your Grocer 28 Genuine A ed RUSK for DifferentServe this crispy, toasted dainty. Women's Oldest Problem in hygiene disappearing -new way discards like tissue By ELLEN J. BUCKLAND Registered Nurse THE worries and fear of the uncertain hygienic ways of yester- KOTEX day are rapidly passing. 8 in 10 better-class women employ a new way called Kotex. Kotex discards like tissue.

No laundry, no disposal bother. Being 5 times as absorbent as or- to pick up without even asking for it. dinary cotton it permits Try today and you'll never again lightest gowns and frocks without risk uncertain old ways. Box condanger. Dance, motor, go about for tains 12.

Be Kotex sure itself you the genuhours without a moment's doubt. ine. Only is "like" Kotex. Deodorizes, too, thus ending all fear of Many offense. stores Doctors have urge Kotex this already way.

KOTEX wrapped on counters, ready for you No laundry- -discard like tissue Wrecks Motor Against Tree, Man Sends Bullet Into Lung Hornell, June 23-Rudolph Harter, 20, of Wayland, who is in Danville General Hospital in a dying condition as the result of a bullet wound in the lung, is believed to have fired the shot during a period of mental derangement, according to Undersheriff E. er at Watrous. and Mrs. Morgan Matson of Perry and Mrs. Edwin Matson of Wysox have been guests of Mrs.

Harriet Matson of East Avenue. Overnight Briefs Ray Hardenbrook, who Investigated. He that a short time before, Harter had wrecked his car against a tree on the WaylandCohocton road. Leaving his wrecked car in the road he returned to the home of W. J.

Werth, where he had been living, secured a .22 caliber pistol and making his way into a field about 300 yards from the house, 1 fired the shot. Classified Ads Bring Results Five deacons of Calvery Baptist Church in New York resign because of differences with the Rev. Dr. John Roach Straton, pastor, services ported held in the church. Lindbergh flies in Army pursuit plane from Scott Field, to Dayton and is overnight guest at home of Orville Wright; flies day to Washington on business.

Paramount-Famous Players Company in Los Angeles orders cut of 10 per cent. in movie salaries ceding $50 per week. Mutinous convicts continue barricade in Kansas penitentiary coal mine at Lansing with 14 captive guards; inform prison authorities guards are safe. THIS IDEA MUST BE RIGHT Over two million women have nodded approval at our manner of doing business. This great army of American WHERE ECONOMY RULES wives and mothers trade daily at the A.

P. A fitting tribute to our policy of giving bigger values. FANCY NO. 1 New Potatoes Full Peck 15-lb. 59c 5 lbs.

20c FRESH CREAMERY BUTTER, Lb. 47c Fresh Churned From Pure, Rich Pasteurized Cream. SUNNYFIELD CORN FLAKES, 2 Pigs 3c CALIFORNIA PEACHES Size Largest Can 19c Shredded Wheat, Pkg. 10c SATISFY YOUR THIRST-DRINK ICED TEA WITH A DASH OF LEMON! Thea-Nectar Teas Lb. 17c Lb.

33c Everyday Regular Values! Pure Grape Juice pint bot. 19c Whole Rice 25c Sandwich Spread jar 19c Domestic Sardines 3 cans 20c D. M. Crushed Pineapple can 19c Cream Corn Starch pkg. 10c Wet Shrimp can 19c A.

P. Cocoanut 6-oz. pkg. 10c Royal Baking Powder 6-oz. can 24c Cider Vinegar 24-oz.

bot. 13c THE SOAP OF THE NATION! Ivory Soap, 4 Cakes 25c KIRKMAN'S Borax Soap, 5 Cakes 29c GOLDEN HUE Oleomargarine Lb. 21c Everyday Household Values Brillo, aluminum cleaner 3 pkgs. 25c 24x33 Window Screens each 43c Mop Cloths each 29c LaFrance Powder 3 pkgs. 25c Mop Handles each 19c Ammonia 32-oz.

bot. 19c Little Jewel Brooms, No. 6 each 43c Babbitt's Cleanser can 5c Liquid Blue bottle 8c Babbitt's Lye can 13c Post Toasties, or Kellogg's Corn Flakes 3 Pkgs 25c SULTANA TUNA FISH Can 19c HIGHEST QUALILTY PURE SANTOS COFFEE. TRY IT ICED O'CLOCK 8 COFFEE Lb. 31c AWARDED GOLD MEDAL AT.


Star-Gazette from Elmira, New York (2024)


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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.